Customer Service
Technical Support
T +31 297 753 825 (24/7)
E service@bosmanvanzaal.com
Order Parts
T +31 297 753 800 (during office hours)
E shop@bosmanvanzaal.com
Our service is 24/7, also during the holidays. However, we work with a minimum number of staff on national holidays and between Christmas and New Years Eve, and our office is closed.
General Info
T +31 297 344 344
E info@bosmanvanzaal.com
Braziliëlaan 4
1432 DG Aalsmeer
The Netherlands
Office Hours: Mo-Fr: 08.00 – 17.00 C.E.T.
Our service is 24/7, also during the holidays. However, we work with a minimum number of staff on national holidays and between Christmas and New Years Eve, and our office is closed.
IBAN NL88RABO0328832448
BTW nr. NL 003138112B01
Chamber of Commerce:
Bosman Van Zaal B.V.
Rotterdam KvK: 33211411