Complete Automation Process
At Bunnik Bromelia, Bromelia grower from the Netherlands, we installed the complete automation process. As well as heating and cooling.
The logistical system includes rolling containers and conveyor belts, a potting and spacing robot, two picking and placing robots, a tray destacker, and an automated Danish cart line with (un)loading robot.

Tray Destacker
The tray destacker helps the automation process. Multiple stacks of trays can be placed on a conveyor, so that the destacker can work without an operator for a long period of time. The stacks are loaded into the destacker automatically when the previous stack is empty.
The stack is lifted, and the trays are grabbed one by one. And then brought down (not dropped) all the way, to ensure they position correctly on the conveyor. With the tray destacker, 1 fte is saved and it has a return on investment of just 4 months.

Pick and Place Robot
Bromelia and Guzmania, named after monocot flowering plants, are designed to handle these kinds of situations because of their controlled handling to avoid damage. No challenge is too big for this dynamic duo. With arms stretching twice their height, they are able to take on jobs that would be out of most’s reach.
In order to maximise output, they sometimes like the speed up the process on the assembly line. Unlike most heavy-duty machines, their unique build allows them to be quick and precise with minimal error. In a synchronized fashion, the duo works together to fill a full tray of six plants in only a few seconds.

Bunnik Bromelia
Bunnik Bromelia, part of Bromelia Specialist, breeds aechmea, pineapple, guzmania and vriesea plants in Kudelstaart and De Kwakel, the Netherlands, since 1971.
They produce one of the most colourful plants, in a sustainable and innovative way. 20,000 plants are processed daily.