Strawberry Cultivation
Nursery Gestelberries in Hoogstraten has a 2.2 hectare greenhouse for growing strawberries. One section is intended for winter cultivation, while another is for early and late cultivation, to ensure year-round strawberry cultivation. The engineering of the lighting project with fittings by MechaTronix and the electrical installation was carried out by Bosman Van Zaal.
LED lighting for growing strawberries is becoming increasingly common, so that strawberries can be grown all year round. A choice can be made for early and late cultivation, winter cultivation, or a combination of both. During winter, the day is extended to 12 hours, so the crop does not become dormant and can be harvested continuously.

Lighting and Electricity
The LED lighting at Gestelberries is equipped with a dimmer function. During months when there is sufficient light, the lighting can be adjusted so the plant always receives the optimum amount of light. More or less light can be chosen for each growth phase. And when energy costs rise, you can choose to dim the light to save on energy.
A good balance between the right light spectrum for lighting and the right intensity is of the utmost importance in both commercial and cultivation terms. Too little light quickly leads to lower production, flower abortion, smaller fruit, and a more difficult plant balance. Too much light will increase the investment and the operational (energy) costs.