Herbs and Leafy Greens
Herbs and leafy vegetables in particular are grown to high standards at Soli Organic, formerly known as Shenandoah. This is ensuring consistent quality, low price, freshness, short delivery time and distance, and a wide variety.
Bosman Van Zaal realised the various indoor 'biofarms' and is primarily responsible for the development of the automated and multi-layer cultivation concept and robotics for processing the crops. We are doing this, among others, for the locations in Virginia and South Carolina.

High Standard
In Elkwood, Virginia, we are building a germination chamber with 600 containers on four layers and in four rows, whereby the young plants are grown on carts and cultivation takes place on the containers. Thanks to the enclosed and automated chamber on multiple layers, the cultivation environment can be controlled in detail and quality and quantity remain as uniform as possible.
In order to maintain this in the subsequent growth phases, our engineers have designed a connected logistics system. This eliminates disruptions as much as possible and guarantees the quality and quantity of the plants. Our mechanical engineers have also automated the spacing of the plants with the aid of specialist robotics. In early 2022, the plants will enter the system and production will start.